Hi. I’m Matilda.

Welcome to my little corner of the internet where I get to show you the work I do with SEO. I pull back the curtains on the projects I have executed and been a part of, and the results I gained.
From keyword research, on-page SEO, technical audits, and content management, I’ve done it all 😁

What I Do

Here’s how I can provide my services to you. From in-depth keyword research, On-page optimizations, comprehensive website audit, and content management, I am your girl!

Keyword Research

Tincidunt nisl amet in urna integer feugiat amet.

On-page SEO

Sed eget commodo ipsum id egestas malesuada nisl.

Technical SEO

Scelerisque vivamus aliquam, vulputate nisl arcu orci in.

Content Management

Massa integer eu mattis neque interdum ut fusce.
Featured Work


I promise, I am totally certified. I enjoy learning a whole lot, so i make sure to renew my certifications every 6 months. It’s easy to get rusty in this industry, don’t get me started with the constant Google updates!


semrush certification
Habitant hac sit in phasellus in
Faucibus tristique sed vitae eu
blue array
SEO Manager Certification

My Clients

Morbi lobortis morbi dignissim sodales eget mauris turpis interdum sagittis sed cursus nunc nulla congue quis.

“Feugiat mi commodo pellentesque dapibus tortor, bibendum mattis mattis scelerisque est interdum tempor dui consectetur pharetra facilisis tortor, integer et erat ac elit rhoncus.”
Tobias Van Hale
Creative Director at Pelem Studio